The official VSCODE extension for rust is called (rust-analyzer) by
To install rust, All you need is the installer, you can get it from, it might fire up a visual studio installer for the builder if you are running windows…
So, to check that you have rust installed on your computer, You may want to run the following command
rustc --version
In my case, it responds with (rustc 1.77.0 (aedd173a2 2024-03-17))
To update rust, you will need to run the commadn
rustup update
If you want to create a new rust project you CD into a directory where you want the project to be, and issue the command
cargo new projectname
Now, you can open the projectname directory in VSCODE to start working on a project
If at any time you want to update the dependancies in your project, you can simply issue the command
cargo update
from within the project directory, this should update the cargo.lock file etc….
To add libraries to cargo, visit and you can get the names of the libraries you can add to Cargo.toml